
Often in my clinic the subject of sexuality is explored by clients. At times people find themselves feeling confused, anxious, or even ashamed about their sexual preferences. As a psychologist with years of experience working with clients on issues related to sexuality, I understand how challenging this can be. Especially to think and speak about it in therapy. This blog post is to offer some reflection on exploring sexuality.


The first step is understanding and being aware of your feelings. It’s normal to feel a range of emotions when reflecting on your sexuality, and it’s important to acknowledge and validate these emotions. Whether you’re feeling fear, shame, confusion, or anything else, recognising and accepting these feelings is the first step. It’s crucial to reach out for support when exploring your sexuality if you feel this is a need.  Some find it difficult to speak with friends and family, preferring to find information online. Education is key. Take the time to find out information about different sexual orientations, gender identities, and the LGBTQ+ community. The more knowledge you have, the better equipped you will be to understand and accept yourself. Remember, knowledge is power, and it can help you feel more confident. You don’t have to label your sexuality or share it with others, its about finding out what is comfortable for you at this stage.


Self-compassion is essential. Treat yourself with kindness and understanding, just as you would a close friend. Remind yourself that you are worthy of love and acceptance, regardless of your sexual preferences. Practice self-care activities that nurture your mind, body, and soul, such as meditation, exercise, or engaging in hobbies you enjoy. Many individuals struggle with internalised shame when it comes to their sexuality. This shame may come from societal norms, religious beliefs, or negative experiences in the past. It’s important to challenge this shame and remind yourself that you deserve to be proud of who you are. Surround yourself with positive influences that reinforce self-acceptance and self-love.

Sexuality can be a challenging journey for some,  but it’s essential to remember that you are not alone. By understanding your feelings, seeking support, educating yourself, practicing self-compassion, challenging internalised shame, and setting boundaries, you can learn to accept and embrace your sexuality in a healthy and positive way.

Remember, you are worthy of love and respect just as you are.

Newcastle Psychologist