Get to know Dr Ashling | Psychologist in Newcastle

pexels-pixabay-278564“It is a privilege to walk beside people on their journey of change, supporting them to see the world and themselves differently”. Dr Ashling

I’m a private psychologist in Newcastle working with people throughout England and afar (via zoom). As a private psychologist in Newcastle my role is to provide assessment & intervention. This usually involves affect and cognitions inclusive of interpersonal relations.

My profession commenced in Ireland with an undergraduate degree in psychology. Moving to England to complete my PG Diploma and Doctorate in Counselling Psychology meant I ended up staying and Newcastle becoming my second home. During the Doctorate programme I worked in a variety of settings inclusive of the NHS. Upon qualifying I opened my private clinic and worked within the NHS until 2018.

What do you love about psychology?

Psychology is forever growing with expansion of study and research. Training continues each year for psychologists which means meeting other professions and continuing learning to compliment the needs of those who attend the clinic. I meet a variety of people in clinic. Usually at the time of entering clinic people aren’t feeling the best or experiencing a crisis. I believe psychology can have a positive influence on peoples wellbeing and bring about change. My days are not only client based. There is supervision to attend for my work and I too supervise. There are groups I commenced to support other healthcare professionals and I am part of committees.

Any tips for looking after emotional health?

The mind and body is very much connected. There are many things we can all do to take care of our emotional health but it also depends on our own unique needs. A balanced diet, exercise, time outside, a hobby and sleep hygiene would be a good start. This can be overwhelming for some so it is important to start small. Befriending our emotions and understanding them e.g. triggers, patterns and what emotions are experienced more frequently can enable a plan for change. During recent years I’ve become passionate in regards somatic therapy. The model I work within clinic changes depending on the person e.g. trauma informed, cognitive behavioural, systemic and underpinning most of my approach is psycho-dynamic.

Do you have a favourite psychologist?

I get asked this a-lot. There are many that I’m drawn to in particular to those underpinning psych-dynamic & interpersonal therapy. If I was to invite to a dinner party it would mostly be psychoanalysts. A couple therapist who taught me would receive an invite. The world of psychology is vast with many psychologists, all of them have added to the world and I admire their work and reading.

Any tips for couples?

There are so many. I think it would have to be the ‘art of communication’. This includes language being the intimacy outside of the sexual experience, conflict management, speaking of needs and regular check ins to see how the relationship is doing. Our past plays a part in the current moment, being aware of this and working through conditioning and beliefs are important. Love plays a huge part of the dating world, for some they determine this as a feeling but it is our behaviours towards another. Our acts of love through seeing and being are extremely important. A language of love that’s forgot about by many is consistency.

Psychology Newcastle