Psychology of summer of travels

The season of summer is about to greet us officially in days. It’s the season for holidays for many especially if you have school aged children or those returning home from university. Traveling can be an enriching experience for many however it can have its own set of challenges and stressors. If you have no holidays planned this year, day trips are still a mini holiday and can build up to stress.


It’s important to be mindful and aware of your own emotional wellbeing. This means being aware of your reactions to to different situations, and taking steps to manage any feelings of stress or anxiety that may arise. One simple way to do this is breaking down the steps of travel e.g. 1. Get to airport 2. Park car 3. Check in. and remembering deep breathing to help you stay present and grounded in the moment.



A healthy routine prior and during travel is vital. This includes getting enough sleep, eating nutritious meals, and engaging in balanced exercise. Many are very busy prior to holidays be that finalising work, organising children and packing and a peak of stress can come from getting ready to go on holiday. Its important to be flexible in the planning stages and remember the travels is for a few weeks.



For many the expectation of their holiday is that of idyllic and perfection. While it is natural to want everything to go smoothly, it is important to remember that unexpected changes to plans arise e.g. flight delay. By practicing flexibility and adaptability, you can better cope with any changes. Adaptability is key when managing life events. Likewise arguments can increase with partners, friends and family during travel due to anxiety or spending closer time together than you normally would. Research suggests that the psychology of travel & holiday is usually more stressful prior and arriving at your destination then mood lifts & relaxation. This starts to decrease for some as the holiday comes to an end. This can hopefully normalise your experience and provide hope that although you might feel stressful that relaxation is awaiting you.



Self care

I encourage my clients to consider time for self-care during their travels. This can include engaging in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, such as reading a book, going for a leisurely walk, swimming, or treating yourself to a spa day. Nearly every adult has a mobile phone and captures photos. The uncoupling from your phone can be really helpful encouraging time to focus on you and family, enjoyment and your usual patterns.


Psychology Newcastle